Artist Statement Assignment - Step Two

dinsdag 17 mei 2011
STEP TWO: Filling the Pot.

Write a three paragraph artist's statement. Keep your sentences authentic and direct. Use the present tense ("I am," not "I was," "I do," not "I did.") Be brave: say nice things about yourself. If you find that you falter, write three paragraphs about an artist whose work you admire. Then write about yourself as though you were an admiring colleague. As a rule, your artist's statement should be written in the first person. Refer to yourself with the pronouns "I, me, my." If this blocks you, write in the third person, then go back and change the pronouns as needed when you get to Step Four. Use the suggestions below to structure your statement. Write three to five sentences per paragraph.

First paragraph. Begin with a simple statement of why you do the work you do. Support that statement, telling the reader more about your goals and aspirations.

My dream is to make experiences that give a sense of wonder and sparks the imagination. Allot of games create an escape of the real world while I want these experiences to continue in my real life. I wish not to escape but enhance my life through play. It is through play that my mind becomes involved with the environment and enhances the experience at that moment.

The world I experience exist out of fragments. I don’t experience life as one big story or design. Life is made out of fragments which I collect. This collection made out of pieces of life is more interesting than the bigger picture. This is the world I live in.

Second paragraph. Tell the reader how you make decisions in the course of your work. How and why do you select materials, techniques, themes? Keep it simple and tell the truth.

Everyday things and services are very much connected to how we experience the real world. The relationship can become such a routine that I forget it is there. To play with these elements my relationship will have a deeper meaning because I will see a different side I did not know before.

This theme I always keep in mind and I try to let the game or experience trickle down into the real world. This means that the fictional world becomes a part of the real world experience instead of an escape.

Third paragraph. Tell the reader a little more about your current work. How it grew out of prior work or life experiences. What are you exploring, attempting, challenging by doing this work.

Over time an idea grew to make shop that is the main gate to different fragments of play. The platform gives me a lot of freedom to still experiment the many ways of play/interaction of the everyday thing. The challenge is to create world, that is combined with the real and fictional world, where a player can explore and enjoy.

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