Assignment - #4

woensdag 23 februari 2011
I want to find an awnser to the following question "What am I trying to tell/show to others?"

The first instinctive reaction is that I want to show and let others experience my network.There are 2 questions that follows:
What is my network?
What do I mean by experience the network?

This project is in many ways an self portrait. The network represents the chaos and the order of thoughts that evetually leads to a creative idea. It is a way for me to show (I think) how my brain works. It is not only just to show others the proces, it is also a way for me to understand myself beter.

The more you explore and get involved with the experience the more immersive it becomes.

The experience in (rough) steps:
- Discovery of the shop
- Curiosity about the total vibe of the shop
- Curiosity about the objects
- Starting to interact with the objects
- Using the tags in the network
- Exploring the network
- Going to places (real and/or virtual)
- Solving puzzles (The deeper you go the more puzzle like the fragemnts of the network become)

- Becoming part of the network
Here by I mean either getting really involved with what ever communication lines i make or something along the lines of donating objects (with or without story) to the shop.

This methode does not have a complete story. The best way I kan describe it is reading pieces of a diary. Though you might not know everything, you get an impression of who that person is and what he or she might be involved with.

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