
zaterdag 19 februari 2011
I got a bit stuck in not exactliy knowing how to get to the next step. After talking to my teacher I have made a few assignments to get me going. The main thing I still need to figure out is why choose this form and what I am trying tell with it.

Assignment #1

I had done a small brainstorm previously about other ways expressing the idea. There was a small idea which I will for now call the Cube Idea.

The assignment is to visualize and describe in words the Cube idea as much as possible.

Assignment #2
The next thing is having both the cube idea and the shop idea next to each other and compare them. This also would be good not only to write down but also to visualize.

Assignment #3
Instead to figure out before hand how the mechanics should work I am going to collect a few objects and play around how I would connect them to each other.

Assignment #4

I want to find an awnser to the following question "What am I trying to tell/show to others?" The first instinctive reaction is that I want to show and experience my network.

There are 2 questions that follows:
What is my network?
What do I mean by experience the network?

With all the assingments it is good to show what I want, what I don't and what it might be. So lets get started.

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