The framework for the small experiences in the shop.
What is een Quest?
J Howard about Quests
He also has wrote a book about it; Quests: Design, Theory, and History in Games

Artist Statement Assignment - Step Four
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dinsdag 17 mei 2011
STEP FOUR: Taste and Correct the Seasonings.
Read your statement out loud. Listen to the way the sounds and rhythms seem to invite pauses. Notice places where you'd like the sound or rhythm to be different. Experiment with sounding out the beats of words that seem to be missing until they come to mind. Do this several times until you have a sense of the musical potential of your statement. As you read your statement, some phrases will ring true and others false. Think about the ones that aren't on the mark and find the true statement lurking behind the false one. You may find that the truth is a simpler statement than the one you made. Or your internal censors may have kept you from making a wholehearted statement of your truth lest it sound self-important. Risk puffing yourself up as long as your claims are in line with your goals and values.
Keep reading and revising your statement until you hear a musical, simple, authentic voice that is making clear and honest statements about your work. Refer to your word list and other Step One exercises as needed. By now your taste buds are saturated. You need a second opinion. Choose a trusted friend or professional to read your statement. Make it clear that you are satisfied with the ingredients on the whole, but you'd like an opinion as to seasoning. In other words, you alone are the authority for what is true about your work, but you'd like feedback on clarity, tone, and such technical matters as spelling and punctuation. Once you've incorporated such suggestions as make sense to you, make a crisp, clear original of your artist's statement. Sign and date it. Make lots of copies, you will have lots of people to serve it to!
My dream is to make experiences that give a sense of wonder and sparks the imagination. Allot of games create an escape of the real world while I want these experiences to continue in my real life. I wish not to escape but enhance my life through play. It is through play that my mind becomes involved with the environment and enhances the experience at that moment.
The world I experience exist out of fragments. I don’t experience life as one big story or design. Life is made out of fragments which I collect. This collection made out of pieces of life is more interesting than the bigger picture. This is the world I live in.
Everyday things and services are very much connected to how we experience the real world. The relationship can become such a routine that I forget it is there. To play with these elements my relationship will have a deeper meaning because I will see a different side I did not know before.
This theme I always keep in mind and I try to let the game or experience trickle down into the real world. This means that the fictional world becomes a part of the real world experience instead of an escape.
Over time an idea grew to make shop that is the main gate to different fragments of play. The platform gives me a lot of freedom to still experiment the many ways of play/interaction of the everyday thing. The challenge is to create world, that is combined with the real and fictional world, where a player can explore and enjoy.
Read your statement out loud. Listen to the way the sounds and rhythms seem to invite pauses. Notice places where you'd like the sound or rhythm to be different. Experiment with sounding out the beats of words that seem to be missing until they come to mind. Do this several times until you have a sense of the musical potential of your statement. As you read your statement, some phrases will ring true and others false. Think about the ones that aren't on the mark and find the true statement lurking behind the false one. You may find that the truth is a simpler statement than the one you made. Or your internal censors may have kept you from making a wholehearted statement of your truth lest it sound self-important. Risk puffing yourself up as long as your claims are in line with your goals and values.
Keep reading and revising your statement until you hear a musical, simple, authentic voice that is making clear and honest statements about your work. Refer to your word list and other Step One exercises as needed. By now your taste buds are saturated. You need a second opinion. Choose a trusted friend or professional to read your statement. Make it clear that you are satisfied with the ingredients on the whole, but you'd like an opinion as to seasoning. In other words, you alone are the authority for what is true about your work, but you'd like feedback on clarity, tone, and such technical matters as spelling and punctuation. Once you've incorporated such suggestions as make sense to you, make a crisp, clear original of your artist's statement. Sign and date it. Make lots of copies, you will have lots of people to serve it to!
My dream is to make experiences that give a sense of wonder and sparks the imagination. Allot of games create an escape of the real world while I want these experiences to continue in my real life. I wish not to escape but enhance my life through play. It is through play that my mind becomes involved with the environment and enhances the experience at that moment.
The world I experience exist out of fragments. I don’t experience life as one big story or design. Life is made out of fragments which I collect. This collection made out of pieces of life is more interesting than the bigger picture. This is the world I live in.
Everyday things and services are very much connected to how we experience the real world. The relationship can become such a routine that I forget it is there. To play with these elements my relationship will have a deeper meaning because I will see a different side I did not know before.
This theme I always keep in mind and I try to let the game or experience trickle down into the real world. This means that the fictional world becomes a part of the real world experience instead of an escape.
Over time an idea grew to make shop that is the main gate to different fragments of play. The platform gives me a lot of freedom to still experiment the many ways of play/interaction of the everyday thing. The challenge is to create world, that is combined with the real and fictional world, where a player can explore and enjoy.
Artist Statement,
Artist Statement Assignment - Step Two
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STEP TWO: Filling the Pot.
Write a three paragraph artist's statement. Keep your sentences authentic and direct. Use the present tense ("I am," not "I was," "I do," not "I did.") Be brave: say nice things about yourself. If you find that you falter, write three paragraphs about an artist whose work you admire. Then write about yourself as though you were an admiring colleague. As a rule, your artist's statement should be written in the first person. Refer to yourself with the pronouns "I, me, my." If this blocks you, write in the third person, then go back and change the pronouns as needed when you get to Step Four. Use the suggestions below to structure your statement. Write three to five sentences per paragraph.
First paragraph. Begin with a simple statement of why you do the work you do. Support that statement, telling the reader more about your goals and aspirations.
My dream is to make experiences that give a sense of wonder and sparks the imagination. Allot of games create an escape of the real world while I want these experiences to continue in my real life. I wish not to escape but enhance my life through play. It is through play that my mind becomes involved with the environment and enhances the experience at that moment.
The world I experience exist out of fragments. I don’t experience life as one big story or design. Life is made out of fragments which I collect. This collection made out of pieces of life is more interesting than the bigger picture. This is the world I live in.
Second paragraph. Tell the reader how you make decisions in the course of your work. How and why do you select materials, techniques, themes? Keep it simple and tell the truth.
Everyday things and services are very much connected to how we experience the real world. The relationship can become such a routine that I forget it is there. To play with these elements my relationship will have a deeper meaning because I will see a different side I did not know before.
This theme I always keep in mind and I try to let the game or experience trickle down into the real world. This means that the fictional world becomes a part of the real world experience instead of an escape.
Third paragraph. Tell the reader a little more about your current work. How it grew out of prior work or life experiences. What are you exploring, attempting, challenging by doing this work.
Over time an idea grew to make shop that is the main gate to different fragments of play. The platform gives me a lot of freedom to still experiment the many ways of play/interaction of the everyday thing. The challenge is to create world, that is combined with the real and fictional world, where a player can explore and enjoy.
Write a three paragraph artist's statement. Keep your sentences authentic and direct. Use the present tense ("I am," not "I was," "I do," not "I did.") Be brave: say nice things about yourself. If you find that you falter, write three paragraphs about an artist whose work you admire. Then write about yourself as though you were an admiring colleague. As a rule, your artist's statement should be written in the first person. Refer to yourself with the pronouns "I, me, my." If this blocks you, write in the third person, then go back and change the pronouns as needed when you get to Step Four. Use the suggestions below to structure your statement. Write three to five sentences per paragraph.
First paragraph. Begin with a simple statement of why you do the work you do. Support that statement, telling the reader more about your goals and aspirations.
My dream is to make experiences that give a sense of wonder and sparks the imagination. Allot of games create an escape of the real world while I want these experiences to continue in my real life. I wish not to escape but enhance my life through play. It is through play that my mind becomes involved with the environment and enhances the experience at that moment.
The world I experience exist out of fragments. I don’t experience life as one big story or design. Life is made out of fragments which I collect. This collection made out of pieces of life is more interesting than the bigger picture. This is the world I live in.
Second paragraph. Tell the reader how you make decisions in the course of your work. How and why do you select materials, techniques, themes? Keep it simple and tell the truth.
Everyday things and services are very much connected to how we experience the real world. The relationship can become such a routine that I forget it is there. To play with these elements my relationship will have a deeper meaning because I will see a different side I did not know before.
This theme I always keep in mind and I try to let the game or experience trickle down into the real world. This means that the fictional world becomes a part of the real world experience instead of an escape.
Third paragraph. Tell the reader a little more about your current work. How it grew out of prior work or life experiences. What are you exploring, attempting, challenging by doing this work.
Over time an idea grew to make shop that is the main gate to different fragments of play. The platform gives me a lot of freedom to still experiment the many ways of play/interaction of the everyday thing. The challenge is to create world, that is combined with the real and fictional world, where a player can explore and enjoy.
Artist Statement,
Artist Statement Assignment - Step One
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STEP ONE: Assemble the Ingredients.
1. Take five minutes and think about why you do what you do. How did you get into this work? How do you feel when work is going well? What are your favorite things about your work? Jot down short phrases that capture your thoughts. Don't worry about making sense or connections. The more you stir up at this point, the richer the stew.
Share my perspective. Small but joyful interactions. See things never properly looked at. The moment is now. Go from one place to another. Flow. Sensation of exploring and wonder. Personal connection. Being yourself and having an adventure.
2. Make a list of words and phrases that communicate your feelings about your work and your values. Include words you like, words that make you feel good, words that communicate your values or fascinations. Be loose. Be happy. Be real. Think of these as potential seasonings for your stew. You don't have to choose which ones to use just yet, so get them all out of the cupboard.
Fusion of virtual and reality
Fusion of digital and physical
Fairy Tail
Everyday things
3. Answer these questions as simply as you can. Your answers are the meat and potatoes of your stew. Let them be raw and uncut for now.
What is your favorite tool? Why?
Small recognizable interactions – the ease of use and sometimes nostalgic.
What is your favorite material? Why?
Everyday things - ??
What do you like best about what you do?
Creating sparks of imagination and creativity and enjoying the experience in the right here and now. Don’t think too much about the past or future. Go with the flow.
What do you mean when you say that a piece has turned out really well?
When someone else enjoy the experience and continue the curiosity/exploration in their own environment.
What patterns emerge in your work? Is there a pattern in the way you select materials? In the way you use color, texture or light?
Using the real life platforms to express my point of view and have fragments zooming in on the details and ignoring the bigger picture. There is also a senses of nostalgic.
What do you do differently from the way you were taught? Why?
Usually there is a red thread through an experience, a main story, I let go of this idea. It is a collection of experiences that bring up the feeling of curiosity and exploration.This is how my mind works I wish to express it and show that things do not need to be a part of a bigger picture to enjoy the experience.
What is your favorite color? List three qualities of the color. Consider that these qualities apply to your work.
The color is layered which gives the color depth.
The color is diverse by which I mean that a shade of purple can be warm or cold. There are many shades to choose from.
4. Look at your word list. Add new words suggested by your answers to the questions above.
5. Choose two key words from your word list. They can be related or entirely different. Look them up in a dictionary. Read all the definitions listed for your words. Copy the definitions, thinking about what notions they have in common. Look your words up in a Thesaurus. Read the entries related to your words. Are there any new words that should be added to your word list?
1.a part broken off or detached: scattered fragments of the broken vase. isolated, unfinished, or incomplete part: She played a fragment of her latest composition. odd piece, bit, or scrap.
–verb (used without object) collapse or break into fragments; disintegrate: The chair fragmented under his weight.
–verb (used with object) break (something) into pieces or fragments; cause to disintegrate: Outside influences soon fragmented the Mayan culture. divide into fragments; disunify.
piece, remnant, share, slice, divide, burst, split
–noun, plural -ties.
1.the desire to learn or know about anything; inquisitiveness.
2.a curious, rare, or novel thing.
3.a strange, curious, or interesting quality.
investigation, searching, intense desire to learn, oddity, trinket, wonder
6. Write five sentences that tell the truth about your connection to your work. If you are stuck, start by filling in the blanks below.
My works is a manifestation of how I see and experience the world.
It is my life long mission to find ways to communicate and share my world.
This expression is important because I need to release the creativity or it will become to much in mine mind.
1. Take five minutes and think about why you do what you do. How did you get into this work? How do you feel when work is going well? What are your favorite things about your work? Jot down short phrases that capture your thoughts. Don't worry about making sense or connections. The more you stir up at this point, the richer the stew.
Share my perspective. Small but joyful interactions. See things never properly looked at. The moment is now. Go from one place to another. Flow. Sensation of exploring and wonder. Personal connection. Being yourself and having an adventure.
2. Make a list of words and phrases that communicate your feelings about your work and your values. Include words you like, words that make you feel good, words that communicate your values or fascinations. Be loose. Be happy. Be real. Think of these as potential seasonings for your stew. You don't have to choose which ones to use just yet, so get them all out of the cupboard.
Fusion of virtual and reality
Fusion of digital and physical
Fairy Tail
Everyday things
3. Answer these questions as simply as you can. Your answers are the meat and potatoes of your stew. Let them be raw and uncut for now.
What is your favorite tool? Why?
Small recognizable interactions – the ease of use and sometimes nostalgic.
What is your favorite material? Why?
Everyday things - ??
What do you like best about what you do?
Creating sparks of imagination and creativity and enjoying the experience in the right here and now. Don’t think too much about the past or future. Go with the flow.
What do you mean when you say that a piece has turned out really well?
When someone else enjoy the experience and continue the curiosity/exploration in their own environment.
What patterns emerge in your work? Is there a pattern in the way you select materials? In the way you use color, texture or light?
Using the real life platforms to express my point of view and have fragments zooming in on the details and ignoring the bigger picture. There is also a senses of nostalgic.
What do you do differently from the way you were taught? Why?
Usually there is a red thread through an experience, a main story, I let go of this idea. It is a collection of experiences that bring up the feeling of curiosity and exploration.This is how my mind works I wish to express it and show that things do not need to be a part of a bigger picture to enjoy the experience.
What is your favorite color? List three qualities of the color. Consider that these qualities apply to your work.
The color is layered which gives the color depth.
The color is diverse by which I mean that a shade of purple can be warm or cold. There are many shades to choose from.
4. Look at your word list. Add new words suggested by your answers to the questions above.
5. Choose two key words from your word list. They can be related or entirely different. Look them up in a dictionary. Read all the definitions listed for your words. Copy the definitions, thinking about what notions they have in common. Look your words up in a Thesaurus. Read the entries related to your words. Are there any new words that should be added to your word list?
1.a part broken off or detached: scattered fragments of the broken vase. isolated, unfinished, or incomplete part: She played a fragment of her latest composition. odd piece, bit, or scrap.
–verb (used without object) collapse or break into fragments; disintegrate: The chair fragmented under his weight.
–verb (used with object) break (something) into pieces or fragments; cause to disintegrate: Outside influences soon fragmented the Mayan culture. divide into fragments; disunify.
piece, remnant, share, slice, divide, burst, split
–noun, plural -ties.
1.the desire to learn or know about anything; inquisitiveness.
2.a curious, rare, or novel thing.
3.a strange, curious, or interesting quality.
investigation, searching, intense desire to learn, oddity, trinket, wonder
6. Write five sentences that tell the truth about your connection to your work. If you are stuck, start by filling in the blanks below.
My works is a manifestation of how I see and experience the world.
It is my life long mission to find ways to communicate and share my world.
This expression is important because I need to release the creativity or it will become to much in mine mind.
Artist Statement,
Artist Statement Research
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Lea Redmond
Leafcutter Designs
My dream is to find, or make, something so striking that, when I open my clasped hands and reveal it to you, your world is turned upside down, you fill with possibility, and your eyes start to twinkle.
How do old ways of thinking/feeling/doing unravel, and how do new meanings cohere? I am looking for the cracks and seams where our everyday realities suddenly (or perhaps slowly) split open and offer us new possibilities for living. Art is the necessary revealing of that which we have overlooked and – perhaps quite precariously – taken for granted.
I want my art to be a different kind of “activism” – an appeal to the playful heart of humanity. Most people don’t want to hear about your cause and sign your petition, but they will stop to consider something strange and marvelous. I am trying to create accessible experiences by playing with the relationship between the ordinary and the extraordinary.
Jason Barnhart
Let's do things people will talk about.
The street-based side of my work plays with the notion of surprise and I aim to encourage city-dwellers to be more aware of their surroundings. The scenes I set up, more evident through the photography, and the titles I give these scenes aim to reflect the loneliness and melancholy of living in a big city, almost being lost and overwhelmed.
Leafcutter Designs
My dream is to find, or make, something so striking that, when I open my clasped hands and reveal it to you, your world is turned upside down, you fill with possibility, and your eyes start to twinkle.
How do old ways of thinking/feeling/doing unravel, and how do new meanings cohere? I am looking for the cracks and seams where our everyday realities suddenly (or perhaps slowly) split open and offer us new possibilities for living. Art is the necessary revealing of that which we have overlooked and – perhaps quite precariously – taken for granted.
I want my art to be a different kind of “activism” – an appeal to the playful heart of humanity. Most people don’t want to hear about your cause and sign your petition, but they will stop to consider something strange and marvelous. I am trying to create accessible experiences by playing with the relationship between the ordinary and the extraordinary.
Jason Barnhart
Let's do things people will talk about.
The street-based side of my work plays with the notion of surprise and I aim to encourage city-dwellers to be more aware of their surroundings. The scenes I set up, more evident through the photography, and the titles I give these scenes aim to reflect the loneliness and melancholy of living in a big city, almost being lost and overwhelmed.
Artist Statement,
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The ideas for the Expo:

Beer coasters with puzzle

Little People
SMS system
QR code
Vending Machine
Time Capsule

Beer coasters with puzzle

Little People
SMS system
QR code
Vending Machine
Time Capsule
Blue Print
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donderdag 12 mei 2011
From big to little, show the neverending network and zoom into a small part.
Still updating ...
Still updating ...
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Collection fragments of my imagination mixed with the reality.
This project show how I see and experience the world. The bigger picture is great but for me it is about the small details that spark my imagniation.
Enjoy, explore and be curios about everything.
The project starts from playing it single and coming across traces from other players. By this I mean that players also make content. After the first setup I want the experience to grow to multi-player. Meaning that players will need each to solve, play pieces of the experience.
Just like exploring a pebble beach a player could make a memory box with trinkets found during exploration.
There is no one main story just one thing leading to another.
The network is something that keeps growing. Its an organic system that hardly has any restricted rules to obey.
Metaphor possibility:
Maze Wallpaper

Can start anywhere and stop anywhere. Can go back where you started or just keep wondering a round. The maze can grow larger.
Pebble Beach

Wondering around the beach with no end in sight. Looking for pebbles you would want to have. Or perhaps finds something completely different.
This project show how I see and experience the world. The bigger picture is great but for me it is about the small details that spark my imagniation.
Enjoy, explore and be curios about everything.
The project starts from playing it single and coming across traces from other players. By this I mean that players also make content. After the first setup I want the experience to grow to multi-player. Meaning that players will need each to solve, play pieces of the experience.
Just like exploring a pebble beach a player could make a memory box with trinkets found during exploration.
There is no one main story just one thing leading to another.
The network is something that keeps growing. Its an organic system that hardly has any restricted rules to obey.
Metaphor possibility:
Maze Wallpaper

Can start anywhere and stop anywhere. Can go back where you started or just keep wondering a round. The maze can grow larger.
Pebble Beach

Wondering around the beach with no end in sight. Looking for pebbles you would want to have. Or perhaps finds something completely different.
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A list of possible form of the pieces and the connections in the network.
Voice mail
CD/DVD (music, movie)
Graffiti (paint, chalk, beamer)
Mail (letter, package)
Time Capsule
Tokens (money)
Events (concert, festival, etc)
Reverse Geo-cashing
Vending machine
Key and door (or something like a box)
Doors/draw public space
Wishing Tree
Physical -> Digital
QR codes (read with phone and be send to web)
Window display (real window shop as digital display)
Augmented Reality
Games (flash, iphone)
Digital -> Physical
Papercraft (digitaal naar uitprinten en inelkaar zetten)
Cryptic description
URL address
Hidden Link
Looking for … with rip pieces
Voice mail
CD/DVD (music, movie)
Graffiti (paint, chalk, beamer)
Mail (letter, package)
Time Capsule
Tokens (money)
Events (concert, festival, etc)
Reverse Geo-cashing
Vending machine
Key and door (or something like a box)
Doors/draw public space
Wishing Tree
Physical -> Digital
QR codes (read with phone and be send to web)
Window display (real window shop as digital display)
Augmented Reality
Games (flash, iphone)
Digital -> Physical
Papercraft (digitaal naar uitprinten en inelkaar zetten)
Cryptic description
URL address
Hidden Link
Looking for … with rip pieces
Inspiration and Research
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zaterdag 23 april 2011
Rabbit Tales
Open world concept idea.
Finite and Infinite Games by James P. Carse
A book about a vision of life as play and possibility
Jesse Schell: When games invade real life
Also by Jesse Schell
Art of game design book and deck of cards
Open world concept idea.
Finite and Infinite Games by James P. Carse
A book about a vision of life as play and possibility
Jesse Schell: When games invade real life
Also by Jesse Schell
Art of game design book and deck of cards
Presentation - Groenlicht
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maandag 18 april 2011
The Curiosity Shop
Wat is het?
A Neverending Rabbit Hole
Algemene doel
Door verschillende vormen van nieuwsgierigheid te kunnen creƫren hoop ik de spelers tot een tocht te leiden dat o.a. het gevoel van ontdekking geeft.
De rol van de "speler" is een zelf onderzoekende rol.
Voorbeeld van hoe ik nieuwsgierigheid ga toepassen.
Algemene methode
Om de algemene doel te kunnen uitvoeren wilde ik het gebruik maken van middelen die mensen al dagelijks gebruiken of om zich heen hebben.
Hoe ik dit in zowel fysieke vorm als in digitaal vorm ga doen.
Er zijn 3 versies van het concept:
Afstudeer Project
Wat ik nu ga doen is een condens versie maken van wat ik de komende (2) jaar wil gaan uitvoeren. Hierin laat ik het begin fase zien maar da ik ze wel weer los.
Na afstuderen
Wat de komende jaar ik wil doen is een op bouw maken van een netwerk dat vervolgens de spelers los laat in de echte wereld. Maar die nog wel de mogelijkheid heeft om te groeien naar de grote droom. Vervolgens een winkel openen om de start te maken. Misschien is niet alles dat ik verkoop direct gelinkt met de netwerk.
De grote droom
Wat ik de komende 10 jaar wil maken is een oneindige netwerk vermengt met de realiteit om te exploreren. Het groeit en veranderd. Meer in de richting van Noptron, op naar de volgende uitdaging. Een winkel die producten verkoopt die je naar de netwerk leid.
The Curiosity Shop
Wat is het?
A Neverending Rabbit Hole
Algemene doel
Door verschillende vormen van nieuwsgierigheid te kunnen creƫren hoop ik de spelers tot een tocht te leiden dat o.a. het gevoel van ontdekking geeft.
De rol van de "speler" is een zelf onderzoekende rol.
Voorbeeld van hoe ik nieuwsgierigheid ga toepassen.
Algemene methode
Om de algemene doel te kunnen uitvoeren wilde ik het gebruik maken van middelen die mensen al dagelijks gebruiken of om zich heen hebben.
Hoe ik dit in zowel fysieke vorm als in digitaal vorm ga doen.
Er zijn 3 versies van het concept:
Afstudeer Project
Wat ik nu ga doen is een condens versie maken van wat ik de komende (2) jaar wil gaan uitvoeren. Hierin laat ik het begin fase zien maar da ik ze wel weer los.
Na afstuderen
Wat de komende jaar ik wil doen is een op bouw maken van een netwerk dat vervolgens de spelers los laat in de echte wereld. Maar die nog wel de mogelijkheid heeft om te groeien naar de grote droom. Vervolgens een winkel openen om de start te maken. Misschien is niet alles dat ik verkoop direct gelinkt met de netwerk.
De grote droom
Wat ik de komende 10 jaar wil maken is een oneindige netwerk vermengt met de realiteit om te exploreren. Het groeit en veranderd. Meer in de richting van Noptron, op naar de volgende uitdaging. Een winkel die producten verkoopt die je naar de netwerk leid.
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Here follows rules for the system. It is not concrete yet but I need to write things down.
The network will have a vibe vintage, old stories, to folk tales and forest creatures.
The network is open, meaning that the fragments outside of the shop also can lead you to the network.
There are fragments that are locked, this means that the “player” can unlock it somehow.
From the locked fragments are fragments that can only be accessed if you buy the object in the store. Only this “player” can look at it, though her or she has the choice to share the code with others.
Fragments are anything, physical or digital.
The links between fragments are (right now) 4 things:
- Direct link/button to the other page
- Give the information of the location of the next fragment
- The player send something (email, photograph, etc) and receives the answer (action)
- The player solves a mystery or puzzle
Everything that has been made by me or is apart of the network wil have somekind of logo atached to it so people know they are on the right track.
The network will have a vibe vintage, old stories, to folk tales and forest creatures.
The network is open, meaning that the fragments outside of the shop also can lead you to the network.
There are fragments that are locked, this means that the “player” can unlock it somehow.
From the locked fragments are fragments that can only be accessed if you buy the object in the store. Only this “player” can look at it, though her or she has the choice to share the code with others.
Fragments are anything, physical or digital.
The links between fragments are (right now) 4 things:
- Direct link/button to the other page
- Give the information of the location of the next fragment
- The player send something (email, photograph, etc) and receives the answer (action)
- The player solves a mystery or puzzle
Everything that has been made by me or is apart of the network wil have somekind of logo atached to it so people know they are on the right track.
Decisions to make
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maandag 14 maart 2011
Game or selfportrait
Game with a vision of a selfportrait
Selfportrait with game elements
Shop or mechanics
The shop is the main experience
The mechanics (network) the main experience
Important to note is even if the experience of the network is the heart beat of the project I still feel that the shop is an important part. That means I have to create more a relationship between the two.
The common thread
Should there be a common thread that connects to the shop?
Should be this be somthing like secret fragements that people will come across when browsing through the network?
Should the the secret of the shop be in pieces? These pieces are then rewards a player gets from the puzzles he/she solves.
Network framework
Prezi style
Wiki style
Different HTML pages
To make a few examples to try out I need a small part of the network.

Next is to sort the fragments
Game with a vision of a selfportrait
Selfportrait with game elements
Shop or mechanics
The shop is the main experience
The mechanics (network) the main experience
Important to note is even if the experience of the network is the heart beat of the project I still feel that the shop is an important part. That means I have to create more a relationship between the two.
The common thread
Should there be a common thread that connects to the shop?
Should be this be somthing like secret fragements that people will come across when browsing through the network?
Should the the secret of the shop be in pieces? These pieces are then rewards a player gets from the puzzles he/she solves.
Network framework
Prezi style
Wiki style
Different HTML pages
To make a few examples to try out I need a small part of the network.

Next is to sort the fragments
Objects | Locked | Fragments |
Fox Tail | Lost Tail | Fox |
Raven Skull | Stealing Feathers | Raven |
Locket | Time Capsule | Shiny Collection |
- | - | Feather Collection |
Objects get a profile page with a secret which can be in any form (video, picture, text)
Locked means that the player needs to do something (puzzle solving and such). So far I have 3 different kind of locked fragments. I already sort the locked fragments to the different puzzle solving. This way I have for each an example.
Puzzles | Request | Search |
Time Capsule | Stealing Feathers | Lost Tail |
Color code text | Communicate to fictional character | Photgraph with something missing (go to the location) |
Text is about time travel, future? | See the stealing on security cam | A manual how to get a fox tail |
Online, time short | email/chat, real letter, 3 days | as long as it takes to get to location, picture print/download |
The rest of the fragments can be anything I whish. Blogs, small flash games, pictures, videos, text, anything really.
Gepost door
vrijdag 11 maart 2011
Mapping Process
It has been a while since I looked at the mapping of the project process. So I had made a few sketches on paper how the map has evolved.
Image jet to be made
On the weekly meetings with my colleagues an interesting point came up. The map is the detail source of the process. Next to the map there is a document about the overview and general terms of the process. I have not thought about the timeline. So the suggestion came make a colour code for the map to be able to see the timeline. An important point to remember.
For the presentation on 16 march we have to show what we have, want and why. It is also a good thing to show what is going to be made in the end. In my case it is going to be a “proof of concept”.
In preparation of the upcoming presentation I am going to make sketches of the scenario how I think the “player” will experience my project. With each image I will try to write down the rules at that point and why.
I think that are 3 parts a small explanation what the project is (self-portrait), the scenario and what exactly I am going to make at the end of the project.
I am the stage to make some kind of prototype of the interactive network. Here kame up to use Wikispaces. I make my own wiki after all. If this is the way to go for the real product is yet to be seen.
Even though the project is called the Curiosity shop I always thought that this would not be the actual title of the shop or experience. Yesterday I had a thought that might be interesting. I really liked the title “The Keeper of Secrets” . In different old mythologies it is also connected to the Raven. The Raven was feared but it also was a sign of looking into your inner darkness revealing the fears and light the dark. Who knows, it was just a thought.
It has been a while since I looked at the mapping of the project process. So I had made a few sketches on paper how the map has evolved.
Image jet to be made
On the weekly meetings with my colleagues an interesting point came up. The map is the detail source of the process. Next to the map there is a document about the overview and general terms of the process. I have not thought about the timeline. So the suggestion came make a colour code for the map to be able to see the timeline. An important point to remember.
For the presentation on 16 march we have to show what we have, want and why. It is also a good thing to show what is going to be made in the end. In my case it is going to be a “proof of concept”.
In preparation of the upcoming presentation I am going to make sketches of the scenario how I think the “player” will experience my project. With each image I will try to write down the rules at that point and why.
I think that are 3 parts a small explanation what the project is (self-portrait), the scenario and what exactly I am going to make at the end of the project.
I am the stage to make some kind of prototype of the interactive network. Here kame up to use Wikispaces. I make my own wiki after all. If this is the way to go for the real product is yet to be seen.
Even though the project is called the Curiosity shop I always thought that this would not be the actual title of the shop or experience. Yesterday I had a thought that might be interesting. I really liked the title “The Keeper of Secrets” . In different old mythologies it is also connected to the Raven. The Raven was feared but it also was a sign of looking into your inner darkness revealing the fears and light the dark. Who knows, it was just a thought.
Network = Database
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dinsdag 1 maart 2011
A great website showing interactive database, visualised.
Data visualization
Places to visite:

We Feel Fine

I would think this is the technology to use for my database/network
Processing js
Data visualization
Places to visite:

We Feel Fine

I would think this is the technology to use for my database/network
Processing js
Assignment - #4
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woensdag 23 februari 2011
I want to find an awnser to the following question "What am I trying to tell/show to others?"
The first instinctive reaction is that I want to show and let others experience my network.There are 2 questions that follows:
What is my network?
What do I mean by experience the network?
This project is in many ways an self portrait. The network represents the chaos and the order of thoughts that evetually leads to a creative idea. It is a way for me to show (I think) how my brain works. It is not only just to show others the proces, it is also a way for me to understand myself beter.
The more you explore and get involved with the experience the more immersive it becomes.

The experience in (rough) steps:
- Discovery of the shop
- Curiosity about the total vibe of the shop
- Curiosity about the objects
- Starting to interact with the objects
- Using the tags in the network
- Exploring the network
- Going to places (real and/or virtual)
- Solving puzzles (The deeper you go the more puzzle like the fragemnts of the network become)
- Becoming part of the network
Here by I mean either getting really involved with what ever communication lines i make or something along the lines of donating objects (with or without story) to the shop.
This methode does not have a complete story. The best way I kan describe it is reading pieces of a diary. Though you might not know everything, you get an impression of who that person is and what he or she might be involved with.
The first instinctive reaction is that I want to show and let others experience my network.There are 2 questions that follows:
What is my network?
What do I mean by experience the network?
This project is in many ways an self portrait. The network represents the chaos and the order of thoughts that evetually leads to a creative idea. It is a way for me to show (I think) how my brain works. It is not only just to show others the proces, it is also a way for me to understand myself beter.
The more you explore and get involved with the experience the more immersive it becomes.

The experience in (rough) steps:
- Discovery of the shop
- Curiosity about the total vibe of the shop
- Curiosity about the objects
- Starting to interact with the objects
- Using the tags in the network
- Exploring the network
- Going to places (real and/or virtual)
- Solving puzzles (The deeper you go the more puzzle like the fragemnts of the network become)
- Becoming part of the network
Here by I mean either getting really involved with what ever communication lines i make or something along the lines of donating objects (with or without story) to the shop.
This methode does not have a complete story. The best way I kan describe it is reading pieces of a diary. Though you might not know everything, you get an impression of who that person is and what he or she might be involved with.
Assignment - #3 The Connections
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zaterdag 19 februari 2011
game mechanics,
Assignment - #3 The Objects
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Instead to figure out before hand how the mechanics should work I am going to collect a few objects and play around how I would connect them to each other.
Here is a list of objects that I am playing with:

A schelf on the wall

A locket

A skull of a raven

A small magnifying glass

Porcelain nuts

Crochet sea coral

Fox tail

Plant pot, looks like weeds growing between the bricks/tiles
Here is a list of objects that I am playing with:

A schelf on the wall

A locket

A skull of a raven

A small magnifying glass

Porcelain nuts
Crochet sea coral

Fox tail

Plant pot, looks like weeds growing between the bricks/tiles
game mechanics,
Assignment - #2
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The next thing is having both the cube idea and the shop idea next to each other and compare them.
Things that ideas share are as follows:
- Physical contact, like the objects for sale and the interaction with the cube. I want to create a bond with the expereince not only with the mind but alos by using senses of the body.
- Fragments; pieces of a story.
- Network; Fragments that are linked to each other

- Puzzles; Some fragments need to be "unlocked"

- Exploring the network. By taking a route through the network it feels like getting pieces of a story.
Here is a list that is comparing the ideas to each other:
Things that ideas share are as follows:
- Physical contact, like the objects for sale and the interaction with the cube. I want to create a bond with the expereince not only with the mind but alos by using senses of the body.
- Fragments; pieces of a story.
- Network; Fragments that are linked to each other

- Puzzles; Some fragments need to be "unlocked"

This is in article decoded by using a color for each letter. Decifer the the article and you can read it.
- Exploring the network. By taking a route through the network it feels like getting pieces of a story.
Here is a list that is comparing the ideas to each other:
Assignment - #1
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The assignment is to visualize and describe in words the Cube idea as much as possible.
Yes, this is what I want:
- Cubes set in a public space
- Several Cubes
- Inside space represent a (visualization) piece of the big picture
- Cubes are made out many doors and objects
- Outside is like a puzzel, by exploring and putting elements together the door will open to the inside.
- Different sizes from small boxes to average rooms.
- Digital cubes (online, cd, etc.)

a cube in a public space - utrecht train station
Depending on the message how the room is filled. Perhaps it is room of a character, location, event or about an object.

just as inspiration
Yes, this is what I want:
- Cubes set in a public space
- Several Cubes
- Inside space represent a (visualization) piece of the big picture
- Cubes are made out many doors and objects
- Outside is like a puzzel, by exploring and putting elements together the door will open to the inside.
- Different sizes from small boxes to average rooms.
- Digital cubes (online, cd, etc.)

a cube in a public space - utrecht train station
Depending on the message how the room is filled. Perhaps it is room of a character, location, event or about an object.

just as inspiration
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I got a bit stuck in not exactliy knowing how to get to the next step. After talking to my teacher I have made a few assignments to get me going. The main thing I still need to figure out is why choose this form and what I am trying tell with it.
Assignment #1
I had done a small brainstorm previously about other ways expressing the idea. There was a small idea which I will for now call the Cube Idea.
The assignment is to visualize and describe in words the Cube idea as much as possible.
Assignment #2
The next thing is having both the cube idea and the shop idea next to each other and compare them. This also would be good not only to write down but also to visualize.
Assignment #3
Instead to figure out before hand how the mechanics should work I am going to collect a few objects and play around how I would connect them to each other.
Assignment #4
I want to find an awnser to the following question "What am I trying to tell/show to others?" The first instinctive reaction is that I want to show and experience my network.
There are 2 questions that follows:
What is my network?
What do I mean by experience the network?
With all the assingments it is good to show what I want, what I don't and what it might be. So lets get started.
Assignment #1
I had done a small brainstorm previously about other ways expressing the idea. There was a small idea which I will for now call the Cube Idea.
The assignment is to visualize and describe in words the Cube idea as much as possible.
Assignment #2
The next thing is having both the cube idea and the shop idea next to each other and compare them. This also would be good not only to write down but also to visualize.
Assignment #3
Instead to figure out before hand how the mechanics should work I am going to collect a few objects and play around how I would connect them to each other.
Assignment #4
I want to find an awnser to the following question "What am I trying to tell/show to others?" The first instinctive reaction is that I want to show and experience my network.
There are 2 questions that follows:
What is my network?
What do I mean by experience the network?
With all the assingments it is good to show what I want, what I don't and what it might be. So lets get started.
Inspiration - Service
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woensdag 16 februari 2011
These are just a few examples of services that the shop might have.

- World's Smallest Post Service -
Writing a letter to your future self
- Future Me -
Objects with text or a piece of a story send to people every quarter/month. Just Like a magazine people could get a subscription.
- The Thing -
- World's Smallest Post Service -
Writing a letter to your future self
- Future Me -
Objects with text or a piece of a story send to people every quarter/month. Just Like a magazine people could get a subscription.
- The Thing -
rabbit hole,
Research - The Art of Memory
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donderdag 10 februari 2011
On the creator's website I came across his conceptual basis. This lead me to the theory of 'The Art Of Memory'.
The Art of Memory
Hypertext and The Art Of Memory
From the ancient greek theory I came a cross the goddess Mnemosyne, which very much intrests me just like the story of Pandora.
Some how I came across Sid Dickens Memory Blocks
game mechanics,
Research - Networks
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woensdag 9 februari 2011
Social Networks
Social Networks Wiki
Random Walk
Markov Chain
Wiki Game
Article about InMaps
Everyday Objects & Their Meaning
Art is Open Source
We Feel Fine
Social Networks Wiki
Random Walk
Markov Chain
Wiki Game
Article about InMaps
Everyday Objects & Their Meaning
Art is Open Source
We Feel Fine
game mechanics,
Inspiration - Art (Installations)
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dinsdag 8 februari 2011
Research - Game Mechanics
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Rules of Play by Eric Zimmerman
Why We Play Games
A Theory of Play and Fantasy
SCVNGR's Secret Game Mechanics Playdeck
I just killed a social game mechanic
Three Hondred Game Mechanics
Small Worlds
A short atmospheric game about exploring.
Knytt Stories
Rules of Play by Eric Zimmerman
Why We Play Games
A Theory of Play and Fantasy
SCVNGR's Secret Game Mechanics Playdeck
I just killed a social game mechanic
Three Hondred Game Mechanics
Small Worlds
A short atmospheric game about exploring.
Knytt Stories
game mechanics,
Research - The Experience Economy
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vrijdag 4 februari 2011
I have been reading a book by Joseph Pine, The Experience Economy. Here is an interview that wil give an impression of what it is about.
Many years later.
In Dutch a overview of the book in slides
Many years later.
In Dutch a overview of the book in slides
Research - Mapping and ARGs
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maandag 31 januari 2011
I am trying to use Prezi to map out my research and process. It is till a bit of a try and error to use it but I have a feeling that it might work for me.
Prezi website
Alternate Reality Game
The ARG genre is a big inspiration how to use the world as the platform of the game. Even though one might know an ARG there is no real definition of the genre. There a different views on what makes an ARG. I remember when I went to the ARGfest 2010 that there still many ways to use the idea of an ARG. During my visit there I sometimes felt that they might make the games a bit to hardcore and therefor never really get the mainstream audience to play along.
This brings me to a post I found of a company that do make ARG like games. He explains many things I have also observed. Though, he wrote this in December of 2008 I feel that these issues still are current.
Everything you know about ARGs is WRONG
The thing I am mostly curios about is what they call the Rabbit Hole. The first contact between the players to the actual game. How do we guide them to the game and keep them captivated to play.
I am trying to use Prezi to map out my research and process. It is till a bit of a try and error to use it but I have a feeling that it might work for me.
Prezi website
Alternate Reality Game
The ARG genre is a big inspiration how to use the world as the platform of the game. Even though one might know an ARG there is no real definition of the genre. There a different views on what makes an ARG. I remember when I went to the ARGfest 2010 that there still many ways to use the idea of an ARG. During my visit there I sometimes felt that they might make the games a bit to hardcore and therefor never really get the mainstream audience to play along.
This brings me to a post I found of a company that do make ARG like games. He explains many things I have also observed. Though, he wrote this in December of 2008 I feel that these issues still are current.
Everything you know about ARGs is WRONG
The thing I am mostly curios about is what they call the Rabbit Hole. The first contact between the players to the actual game. How do we guide them to the game and keep them captivated to play.
rabbit hole
Concept - Research Process
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donderdag 27 januari 2011
Next to the project itself I want to show the research and how I have used the research. I was thinking to use a mind map as a platform.
As I was looking at different mind maps I had an idea I might want to do for the final presentation. I have fantasy about actually making a paper map, like road maps. This map will help the reader go through the pieces of information. Right now the pieces of information would be small video presentations, which probable would be hosted on youtube.
This idea came to me when I was looking at different diagrams (previous post) and the map of a city-game called “The Jejune Institute”

As I was looking at different mind maps I had an idea I might want to do for the final presentation. I have fantasy about actually making a paper map, like road maps. This map will help the reader go through the pieces of information. Right now the pieces of information would be small video presentations, which probable would be hosted on youtube.
This idea came to me when I was looking at different diagrams (previous post) and the map of a city-game called “The Jejune Institute”

Presentation - The Idea
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dinsdag 25 januari 2011
Inspiration - Interaction
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vrijdag 21 januari 2011
MASQUERADE - book by Kit Williams
Color Codification Dot Drawings - Lauren DiCioccio
Lauren DiCioccio is an emerging artist living in the Bay Area, an hour south of San Francisco. Born and raised in Philadelphia, DiCioccio received a BA from Colgate University in 2002 where she studied art and art history. Though academically trained in painting, much of her current body of work employs the medium of embroidery, which she learned at an early age from her mother. DiCioccio has shown her work at venues in San Francisco including: Jack Fischer Gallery, Intersection for the Arts, The Lab and the SFMOMA Artists Gallery. In 2011, her work will be shown in exhibitions at the Bellevue Museum of Art and the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts.

Geocaching Fun
Color Codification Dot Drawings - Lauren DiCioccio
Lauren DiCioccio is an emerging artist living in the Bay Area, an hour south of San Francisco. Born and raised in Philadelphia, DiCioccio received a BA from Colgate University in 2002 where she studied art and art history. Though academically trained in painting, much of her current body of work employs the medium of embroidery, which she learned at an early age from her mother. DiCioccio has shown her work at venues in San Francisco including: Jack Fischer Gallery, Intersection for the Arts, The Lab and the SFMOMA Artists Gallery. In 2011, her work will be shown in exhibitions at the Bellevue Museum of Art and the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts.
To make each painting, I lay a sheet of frosted mylar over a magazine page. I assign a color to every letter (numbers are shades of grayscale) and apply tiny dots of paint over every character on the page according to my color-code. Making the paintings is a lot like solving a cryptogram and the result is a legible blur of dots in the form of the article’s layout, a kind of Braille for the color-inclined.

Geocaching Fun
Inspiration - curiosity shop
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donderdag 20 januari 2011
Inspiration - manga
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Yuuko is a witch who grants people's wishes, but in return the person has to give up something precious. Watanuki Kimihiro, a man who has visions, encounters Yuuko and she promises to get rid of the spirits that torment him. In return Watanuki must work in Yuuko's shop and help her grant other people's wishes.
Read Online

Count D, a petshop owner in the vague and mysterious world of Chinatown, sells his merchandise in the form of love and dreams. An American policeman, Officer Orcot, comes to investigate Count D after many unexplainable deaths were reported. All victims had one thing in common- A pet purchased at Count D's petshop. New characters and animals are consistantly passing through Chinatown, and every story holds a moral.
Read Online

Pamela is the owner of the Tarot Cafe-and also a powerful clairvoyant, willing to tell fortunes for a price. She caters to more than just your average schoolgirl, though. Vampires, fairies, and all manner of supernatural creatures visit her after midnight, to hear their futures and recieve advice about situations. While Pamela is good at giving everyone else advice, she must someday deal with her own dark secret...
Read Online
Concept - First Draft
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1 (Werk)Titel:
Curiosity Shop
2 Project omschrijving:
(Omschrijf in een paar regels wat het project inhoud)
Er is een magisch winkeltje met vele vreemde objecten. Alle objecten hebben hun eigen verhaal maar als je er iets beter naar kijkt ontdek je dat alles toch wel verbonden is met elkaar. Dit is een Rabbit Hole dat de speler leid naar een groter verhaal en avontuur.
3 Doel van het project:
(Wat wil je met je project bereiken)
Door verschillende vormen van nieuwsgierigheid te kweken hoop ik de spelers tot een tocht te leiden dat onder ander het gevoel van ontdekking creƫert. Ik wil dit wel graag doen binnen de midden mensen herkennen, iets dat al onderdeel is van hun dagelijkse leven.
4 Doelgroep:
(voor wie maak je het?)
De doelgroep is op dit moment moeilijk te beschrijven. Al speel ik in op shoppers met het winkeltje idee, het zijn wel de soort mensen die van aparte dingen houden. Het is misschien een onderdeel van de onderzoek om te pijlen wat voor publiek er op af gaat.
5 Werkwijze en techniek voor uitvoering:
(Hoe ga je het doen en welke techniek zet je daar voor in)
Een belangrijk element is mij nog niet duidelijk en dat is het verhaal. Wanneer ik het verhaal heb kan ik hier uit weten wat voor soort puzzels en uitdagingen ik zou moeten maken.
6 Presentatievorm:
(Welke vorm heeft het uiteindelijke project voor je beoogde publiek en hoe ga je het op je examen laten zien)
Bij de presentatie wil ik het idee kleinschalig na bootsen en de onderzoek proces laten zien.
7 Leerdoelen
(Welke leerdoelen heb je voor ogen met betrekking op je project)
Belangrijk voor mij is om achter mijn concept te staan en er compleet voor gaan. Niet onzeker zijn over mijn eigen meningen. Een andere punt is het onderzoek op een bepaalde manier te laten zien en wat er verwerkt is in het project zelf.
Curiosity Shop
2 Project omschrijving:
(Omschrijf in een paar regels wat het project inhoud)
Er is een magisch winkeltje met vele vreemde objecten. Alle objecten hebben hun eigen verhaal maar als je er iets beter naar kijkt ontdek je dat alles toch wel verbonden is met elkaar. Dit is een Rabbit Hole dat de speler leid naar een groter verhaal en avontuur.
3 Doel van het project:
(Wat wil je met je project bereiken)
Door verschillende vormen van nieuwsgierigheid te kweken hoop ik de spelers tot een tocht te leiden dat onder ander het gevoel van ontdekking creƫert. Ik wil dit wel graag doen binnen de midden mensen herkennen, iets dat al onderdeel is van hun dagelijkse leven.
4 Doelgroep:
(voor wie maak je het?)
De doelgroep is op dit moment moeilijk te beschrijven. Al speel ik in op shoppers met het winkeltje idee, het zijn wel de soort mensen die van aparte dingen houden. Het is misschien een onderdeel van de onderzoek om te pijlen wat voor publiek er op af gaat.
5 Werkwijze en techniek voor uitvoering:
(Hoe ga je het doen en welke techniek zet je daar voor in)
Een belangrijk element is mij nog niet duidelijk en dat is het verhaal. Wanneer ik het verhaal heb kan ik hier uit weten wat voor soort puzzels en uitdagingen ik zou moeten maken.
6 Presentatievorm:
(Welke vorm heeft het uiteindelijke project voor je beoogde publiek en hoe ga je het op je examen laten zien)
Bij de presentatie wil ik het idee kleinschalig na bootsen en de onderzoek proces laten zien.
7 Leerdoelen
(Welke leerdoelen heb je voor ogen met betrekking op je project)
Belangrijk voor mij is om achter mijn concept te staan en er compleet voor gaan. Niet onzeker zijn over mijn eigen meningen. Een andere punt is het onderzoek op een bepaalde manier te laten zien en wat er verwerkt is in het project zelf.
Inspiration - movies
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woensdag 19 januari 2011
The thing I found fascinating was the short animations that were guidelines of the galaxy. A fun and different perspective of the things we already know or thought we know.
The thing I found fascinating was the short animations that were guidelines of the galaxy. A fun and different perspective of the things we already know or thought we know.
Inspiration - music video
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Florence + The Machine - Cosmic Love
music video
Abonneren op:
Posts (Atom)
game mechanics
Artist Statement
rabbit hole
music video